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Bierens Incasso Advocaten – Amsterdam


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Our contribution to a just world is to fight for a world without default.

The world is changing fast. Norms and values ??fade and therefore often also the timely payment. Unfortunately, paying late has even become a business model. Many problems can be prevented through good credit management, but if that is no longer possible, you need a reliable partner to fall back on.

We will continuously provide added value to tackle injustice in the payment system. For national claims and international claims, we fight to ensure that you get what you deserve.

If your claim is disputed, we will quickly clarify whether this is justified or not. After a justified dispute has been resolved, the parties can do business with each other again, but in the event of an unjust dispute, we want to tackle this injustice quickly and decisively.

The basic principle is to always resolve the case out of court, possibly by visiting the debtor together with you. But judicially if necessary. Anywhere in the world. You can count on our justice.

In 1952, with the establishment of ‘Bierens Advocaten’, the foundation was laid for what is now Bierens Incasso Advocaten. The company was founded by Frits Bierens, the father of current owner Sander Bierens. During that time, clients are assisted in all kinds of legal matters such as tenancy law cases, construction law cases, traffic cases, employment law cases, lease cases, bankruptcies and divorces. But debt collection cases are already being done in full at that time. These are then written down by hand in a special collection letter.
The motives of Frits Bierens are still a source of inspiration for the current office. Frits Bierens was a man of integrity with a very strong sense of justice. In addition, he had the will to win and to be the best. This was not without result, in 1980 there is already a great success to celebrate. The district in ‘s-Hertogenbosch had conducted an anonymous survey among all law firms in the district. Frits Bierens turned out to be the most profitable office!
In 1985 Sander Bierens graduates as a lawyer. Shortly afterwards, Sander is sworn in and starts working in his father’s office. After his arrival, Sander does all possible things. After all, the law firm still assists clients in all kinds of legal areas. When the first debt collection cases are placed on his desk, the true entrepreneur in Sander really wakes up. He soon realizes that his passion and strength lies in debt collection cases, so he is happy to take care of these matters.
In 1995 Sander Bierens takes over his father’s company. The fight for justice continues through him. Because his strength and passion lie in debt collection cases, Sander decides in early 2000 to specialize in debt collection cases. This makes Bierens Incasso Advocaten the first debt collection law firm in the Netherlands.
Although Bierens Incasso Advocaten initially focuses on Dutch defaulters, many clients also seem to deal with foreign defaulters. After all, a large number of companies rely on exports. For that reason, Bierens also focuses on international debt collection cases in 2005, and lawyers are active from all major European countries.
The will to win and be the best at Bierens Incasso Advocaten equals growth. Because the office in Veghel has become too small, a branch is opened in Amsterdam in 2007. But it doesn’t stop there, in the following period Bierens Incasso Advocaten will open offices in Düsseldorf, Antwerp, Barcelona, ??New York and Shanghai.
The story of Bierens Incasso Advocaten is far from finished. In 2021 Bierens is still a family business and the next generation is already ready to continue the company. The winning mentality, sense of justice and integrity of Frits Bierens are still deeply rooted in today’s organization. Together with more than 100 international employees and with more than 65 years of experience, Bierens Incasso Advocaten is the largest player in international B2B debt collection cases in Europe.


Q How can I change my details or address?

You can pass your changes on to the relevant secretarial team. They will ensure that your details will be changed. If you do not have the secretarial team’s email address at hand, then you may also pass your change of address on to your contact person.

Q What should I do if I have a complaint?

At Bierens, customer satisfaction is key for our services. We value your feedback, which is why we ensure to solve your complaints as soon as possible. You can contact your caseworker or our Customer Service Officer.

Q Do you also solve debt recoveries against private individuals?

No, essentially, we only solve business debt collection cases, which is also where our speciality lies. Debt recovery against private individuals requires an approach that is different from debt recovery against a company.

Q What is the difference between a debt collection agency and a debt collection law firm?

In most cases, there are three players active within the debt recovery branch. These include a debt collection agency, a debt collection lawyer and a bailiff. A debt collection agency cannot do anything you cannot do yourself. From calling your debtor to sending demand letters, that’s where their effort comes to an end. A debt collection lawyer follows strict guidelines under the Bar Associations. They have more resources to recover your payment and are authorised to take legal action against your debtor. A bailiff is then instructed to recover the claimed amount on behalf of the court or creditor.

Q I would like to preserve the commercial relationship with my debtor. Is that an option?

Yes, that is an option. Our approach is always firm yet fair. If you prefer a different approach, such as a softer approach to maintain the relationship with your debtor, that is an option too. You can contact your caseworker to discuss a suitable course of action for your debt collection case.

Q Do you also solve debt collection cases that have already been handled by other debt recovery parties?

That depends. In general, we do not accept debt collection cases that were previously handled by another debt recovery party. Often, this other party has taken a particular approach that is not compatible with our approach. As a result, we are then no longer able to offer the highest quality for the debt recovery process. For further information, please contact a member of our staff. Debt collection procedure

Q What should I do prior to transferring my debt collection case?

If your customer refuses to pay, it is common to send a payment reminder after the payment term has expired. You can try contacting your debtor, but if your customer fails to respond, then you can hire a debt collection specialist.

Q How can I transfer my debt collection case?

You can easily transfer your claim here. All you have to do is include your company's details, debtor's details and upload any relevant documents. If you already have access to our web portal, you can easily upload new cases within the portal too. New customers will receive their login details for this web portal within three business days.

Q What happens after my case has been transferred?

Once you have transferred your debt collection case, you will immediately receive an email that we have successfully received your information. Your case will first be taken up by our Intake Department. They will link your case to the right specialist. In most cases, this is a specialist or lawyer who speaks the same language as your debtor and has experience in your industry. Within 24 hours, you will receive an email confirmation. Simultaneously, a demand letter will be sent to your debtor with the request to pay immediately.

Q How long does an average debt collection process take?

We always start processing your case in the extrajudicial phase, which is when we try to collect without court intervention. This process lasts relatively short because we allow your debtor little time to pay. If legal proceedings are initiated, then the debt recovery process takes longer. The duration depends on the circumstances and nature of your case. Some proceedings take longer than others and can differ depending on international legislation.

Q Who is going to work on my case?

After you have transferred your debt collection case, our Intake Department assigns the right specialist to your case. Often, this is someone who has experience with your branch or is specialised in debt recovery in your debtor’s country. They speak the same language as your debtor and are familiar with the cultural and business differences. This way, you can be certain that the right specialist will be processing your case.

Q Can a debt collection process be terminated?

It is possible to terminate the debt collection process. In that event, we will not take action against your debtor. If you plan to negotiate new agreements with your debtor, it is important to be aware of the interest and extrajudicial collection costs. In accordance with our policy, we recover these costs from the debtor. If you do not incorporate these costs into a potential payment arrangement, we will be compelled to pass these costs on to you.

Q What should I do if my debtor contacts me directly?

If your debtor contacts you, for instance, to negotiate a new payment arrangement, then refer him or her to your caseworker. We can then ensure that everything is correctly recorded. If your debtor fails to stick to the new agreements, we have the securities in place that will allow you to recover additional costs from your debtor. We can also inform your debtor of the possible outcomes if the payment is not made.

Q What should I do if my debtor pays me directly?

If your debtor pays the unpaid amount directly to you, then inform your caseworker as soon as possible.

Q How will I be kept up to date on the status of my cases?

On our web portal, you will have 24/7 access to the latest developments concerning your debt collection case. If you are new to Bierens, then you will receive your login details by email within three business days. Of course, you may also contact your caseworker.

Q Can you assist and advise when drafting contracts?

Bierens employs many specialists in the field of contract law. They have knowledge and experience with drafting and advising various types of contracts. If would like more information, feel free to contact us.

Q Can you resolve conflicts without taking legal action?

Commercial disputes Our starting point is to solve cases without court intervention. In doing so, we deploy all our measures and have the means to pressure your debtor to pay. If your debtor refuses to respond or pay, then we can initiate legal proceedings on your behalf. We will only do so after carefully estimating the costs and what benefits you the most, and will only start once we have your permission.

Q When do you consider taking legal action?

Legal proceedings If legal proceedings are necessary, we always consider the likelihood of you achieving the maximum results at minimal costs. The costs that we incur we aim to collect from your debtor as much as possible. Most importantly, we only proceed once we have received your permission.

Q Can I start with the judicial phase straight away?

Yes, that is an option. We usually do advise you to start your case in the extrajudicial phase first.

Q Can I raise a defence myself or do I need a lawyer?

That depends. You can raise a defence yourself, however, we advise hiring a lawyer who can assist you. In some countries, you can raise a defence yourself in a district court. For complex cases or larger amounts or even international cases, we advise hiring a lawyer.

Q How long do legal proceedings last?

The duration of legal proceedings depend on a number of factors: Which legal proceedings are initiated: for example, in some countries, initiating a winding-up petition can be processed by the court within four weeks, while a standard summons proceedings can last between six to twelve months. The duration can depend on the type of legal procedure that is initiated in a country. In which country are the proceedings initiated: some legal proceedings tend to move relatively fast in one country compared to other European countries. Court availability: for court hearings, judges and staff will have to be available. The complexity of the case: if the case is complex, legal proceedings may take between six to twelve months. After a court has reached a verdict, both parties also have the option to appeal, which can delay the process further.

Q The duration of legal proceedings depend on a number of factors: What are the costs of legal proceedings?

The costs for legal proceedings are often composed of two sections. These include: Court fees: these costs are paid when initiating legal proceedings. Legal fees of the lawyer: for legal proceedings, we work on an hourly or fixed fee that will be discussed with you in advance.

Q Will my costs be reimbursed if the court reaches a verdict in my favour?

If the court reaches a verdict that is in your favour, then you can recover part of your legal costs from the opposing party. We will draft a claim for an order for costs on your behalf. Subsequently, an amount will be established that will be reimbursed to you. In practice, this is usually less than the actual costs incurred.

Q Which information can I find on the web portal?

On the web portal, you will find information concerning all your current and closed files. You may view details of each individual file. You may also view and upload documents for each file. Whenever your lawyer uploads a new document, you will automatically be notified of this.

Q Where can I login to the portal?

You may login here for the web portal.

Q When will I receive the login details for the portal?

New clients receive their login details to the web portal within three business days.

Q What do I do if I've lost my login details?

If you forgot your password, you may request a new password here. If you also forget your username, then please send an email to qualityservices@bierensgroup.com. We will make sure that you receive new details to login as soon as possible.

Q What is the Bierens Debt Recovery clients’ account?

A clients’ account is an account for money belonging to a third party. In our case, it is a bank account where debtors transfer the amount of the unpaid claim. This amount is paid to our clients from this account. A clients’ account is used by businesses that receive money on behalf of others. The use of a client's account is often used by other law and notary firms.

Q Can I make a payment arrangement?

A payment arrangement is an option that can be discussed. However, it is our client who will make the final decision. You can contact the caseworker, who will subsequently consult with our client to discuss the possibilities.

Q I do not agree with this claim, what should I do?

If you do not agree with the claim, we ask that you do not declare this by telephone but express this in writing to the caseworker. The caseworker will discuss this further with our client. You will then receive a response to your defence shortly.

Q I received a demand letter from Bierens but I have already paid. What should I do?

If you have already paid, then it is best to inform the caseworker. You may do so by sending an email with an attachment of your proof of payment. If you have paid the full outstanding amount, the file will be closed. If you made a partial payment, then you will receive a written response from the caseworker.

Q Which bank account do I use to pay the outstanding amount?

If you have received a demand letter, then you need to pay the amount outstanding to the bank account number NL18ABNA0483703346, made payable to “Stichting Derdengelden Bierens Advocaten.”
